State of Mind
A downloadable game
A gameplay demo of the mechanics that I implemented into this project. Everything except the models, skyboxes, animations and sounds are made by me. I used ShaderGraph for the shaders and the rest is Unity based C# code.
Controls and Interactions (Also visible ingame at the Tips & Controls object)
WASD - Movement
Spacebar - Jump (Hold to climb up the bigger cubes)
Shift - Sprint
V - Switch between First and Third Person
C - Go into Cover (Only works on the yellow wall and while not using an ability)
1 - Switch to Teleport
2 - Switch to SuperJump
3 - Switch to Beam
Rightclick (Release) - Use SuperJump/Use Teleport/Stop Beam
Rightclick (Hold) - Charge SuperJump/See your Teleport Destination/Shoot Beam
Leftclick - Abort the use SuperJump or Teleport
I - Inventory (The red spheres are items that can be picked up)
Esc - Pause Menu
The color of the Teleport Indicator changes if you hit a ledge meaning that you will climb up that ledge after teleporting
The blinking of the SuperJump indicates its charge (The speed seems to be bugged with shadergraph properties but I did not wanna take it out as it still fulfills its role)
The Beam can interact with the flying grey cube
The orange cubes are checkpoints. If you restart the game you will start there the next time if you press continue.
Status | Prototype |
Author | Alodrin |
Genre | Platformer |
Install instructions
Just unpack the zip file and it will be ready to play.
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